

Activity overview

Latest activity by Glen-Waudby
Glen Waudby created an article,
Birthday Parties
Steps: Our facility is very popular for Birthday parties and team building events.  We would love to work with you to try to find the best day available for your group.   Here are our party package...
Glen Waudby created an article,
Team Payments Policy
Steps Team fees are due in full before the start of the 3rd game. 1/3 of the entire team balance is paid on game 1 before the game starts. This helps to ensure that all teams are committed for the...
Glen Waudby created an article,
How to Renew Your Soccer Spectrum Team for the New Season
At Soccer Spectrum, we genuinely appreciate our existing teams and want to ensure you continue to have a spot in our league. To help us handle the high demand and maintain a waiting list for eager ...
Glen Waudby created an article,
New Team Application Process
  At Soccer Spectrum, we believe in the power of community and the growth of the beautiful game. We understand the importance of welcoming new teams into our soccer community, and we want to ensure...
Glen Waudby created an article,
North Texas ID Cards
Steps   All players playing indoor soccer or coaches coaching at any sanctioned facility in North Texas must have valid indoor I.D. cards approved through N.T.S.S.A. These may be obt...
Glen Waudby created an article,
Uniform Policy
Steps Dress Code The dress code for all employees at all times that you are on duty shall be the Soccer Spectrum issued t-shirt or polo along with shorts, jeans, or warm up pants.  Holes in atti...
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